Rules for Success


Routines help me soar by keeping me grounded.

Having a set of go to routines has played a big role in my ability to keep off 30 pounds for close to 11 years now. I have made a whole long series of incremental changes in how and what I eat and I learned over time that having structure around certain behaviors was helpful, and that simplifying my food regimen made my life easier. That structure could then serve as a framework for me and provide guidance towards the life and behaviors I wanted.

These Personal Rules for Success have served many purposes, and still do. They evolved over many years, and have changed over time as I needed them to. They give me scaffolding for my day, and a sense of self accountability; they teach me that I can keep behaviors consistent over time and that I can expect more of myself; they help to give me a sense of control and often a sense of mastery. All of them directly impact and sustain my long term success, and over time have significantly helped me to shift my mindset and my relationship to food.

Following the rules I set for myself has also enabled me to use my energy to pursue other more interesting things. I used to think about food ALL THE TIME - ”what will I eat next, what I should not have eaten, what’s for dinner, I would like a cookie or three right now, I am hungry, I ate too much.” It was exhausting and I did not know this was the case until I started to eat differently and with a lot more consciousness.

Since they are my rules, I get to choose when to let them go. On vacation, at a celebratory occasion, because I feel extra hungry, because I just need something different. The trick is that about 90% of the time I stick with my rules. On the days that I do not, I am CHOOSING to do something different, not stumbling into an unconscious decision that will leave me feeling out of control.

Here’s my list:

  • Move my body in some way for at least 30 minutes, more when possible - Every. Single. Day. No excuses.

  • Roast a big tray of vegetables each week (this is my favorite way to eat them!).

  • Make a huge salad each week to keep in fridge (because I hate making salad; and yet - eating it helps me).

  • Do not eat carbs and sugar for breakfast.

  • Eat a lunch that is half vegetables.

  • Make lunch my biggest meal of the day.

  • Weigh myself every day.

  • No dessert or snacks after dinner.

  • Go to sleep and arise at about the same time every day.

  • Bring no store bought cookies in the house.

  • Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.

  • No alcohol most weeknights, and when I do have it - keep it to two drinks.

  • Never drink alcohol before 5 pm - even when on vacation.

  • Consume minimal to zero processed foods.

  • Eat out no more than twice a week.

  • When eating out, get what you want but never finish it, and don’t bring home leftovers.

I call them rules because I am the type of person who follows rules. Perhaps that word rubs you the wrong way - you could call them a framework for success, habits to keep, lifestyle choices or growth opportunities.

Use these if they resonate with you. Simultaneously begin to think of your own list because every BODY is different from the next. What changes would impact you positively? What sort of food rules would simplify your life? Where do you see a need for more structure in your daily life? Stay at home orders give us extra time to contemplate these sorts of changes!


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