Got Immunity?

Photo by Luke Michael on Unsplash

Who is responsible for your health?  You are.

Last week I read about a study that followed 50,000 people who had covid and found that those who were consistently inactive had a greater risk of hospitalization, admission to the ICU or death.  In fact, physical inactivity was the third highest risk factor for hospitalization and death, behind only advanced age and organ transplant.  People in the inactive group were TWICE as likely to end up hospitalized with covid as the most active, and 2.5 times more likely to die.

I have found it personally frustrating and mildly infuriating that ever since this pandemic began, there has been little to no conversation around what we can each do as individuals to make our own bodies stronger and more resilient.  The public health messaging from the start has focused on mask wearing and social distancing, and has been fear based, not empowering.  Many of us had no choice but to comply, and understood that these measures protected us.  Still - they are external, government mandated, top down approaches.  

Where are the public health conversations around getting exercise, taking vitamin D (vitamin D deficiency is associated with more severe symptoms), losing weight and taking other steps to improve immune function and overall health?  These messages, along with those about mask wearing, social distancing and getting vaccinated would be a more complete, lasting, effective, and holistic approach.

The lack of a broader conversation around how to build up immunity as an individual is symptomatic of how we approach health in this country.  Instead of viewing health as something we can impact by our individual choices, we tend to look to the medical system to give us health by "fixing" what is wrong with us, often through procedures and prescriptions.  We need to understand how much we can do to fix ourselves armed with information and patience.

We already know that getting outdoors and exercise boosts immunity but closing parks was one of the first actions our local and state governments took.  We know that if you lose 5-10% of your body weight, you will often see improvement in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol but encouraging Americans to get a handle on their weight was never brought up.  We know that getting vitamin D from the sunshine is the best way, but taking a supplement works too, and although this got more press (probably because taking a supplement is the easiest change to make), the explanations of why were often convoluted and confusing.  

Many of you who read this blog are already doing a great job keeping up your own immunity.  But the large majority of our population does not and that is a major failing of our public health and medical system - and the implications for the health and wealth of our nation are enormous.  Diabetes, obesity and heart disease are a public health crisis of a different kind; one that is sneaky and will ruin us slowly over time.  Diseases, injuries and illnesses will still come but a strong body will always give you better outcomes.  

It is time to have many more of these conversations.  This is a big reason that I want to be a health coach.  To get the message out.  To TEACH people about all they can do to help themselves, and to provide them with a set of tools to actually MAKE the changes.

Covid is easing.  The CDC is changing mask recommendations.  But guess what?  Cold and flu season will come soon enough, covid will stick around.  Keep washing your hands.  Move more.  Feed your body as if your life depends on it - because it does.  Get your sleep.  Find joy.  All of these are powerful influences over your immunity.  Every choice you make has an impact.  


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